Muhsina Khan
Marketing Executive at Astha IT
Marketing & Advertising
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Profile Picture
It is important that you look good and professional to your potential employer. Upload an awesome picture from your computer or capture directly using your mobile device that will impress your audience.
Personal Details
Add basic information here, such as your name, city, country, the industry you work in, etc.
Write a short bio about yourself, describing your goals, accomplishments and career highlights.
Enrich your resume with your current and past career records. There are additional sections to group your projects and achievements performed under each of your career record. You can add external links and upload images and files too.
Add your academic records with as much details as you want. You can add external links and upload images and files too.
Skills & Expertise
Add your skills here that will help your potential employers to evaluate you.
Professional Values
What are your values as a professional? List them here.
Job Preferences
This is the place where you can configure your job preferences.
Technologies & Applications
Add here any technologies you are competent in.
This is where you can add your projects / portfolio items. You can add external links and upload images and files too.
Achievements & Awards
Add all your honors and accomplishments here and blow your potential employers away.
List the languages you speak. The more you know the better chance of getting a job.
List your personal interests here, which can be anything starting from reading books, watching movies, etc.
References are always valuable. It is awesome if someone can stand by your work and refer you to other people.
Upload your resume in Doc, DocX or PDF format.
Websites & Blogs
If you have one or more websites or if you represent any, add them here.
Social Profiles
It is cool to have social profiles. They provide valuable information about you. Add them here if you have some.
Contact Info
Add your contact information here. Please note: you can always mark any of your profile sections private.
Companies Who Viewed Your Profile
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People Who Viewed Your Profile
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