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Too many candidates, too few opportunities!

Hiring the right candidates has been an extremely difficult experience for the employers in Bangladesh. Imagine you posted a job advertisement on a job site or social media, and are getting bombarded by hundreds of thousands of applications, most of which are not eligible for the position at all. Sounds familiar?

We understand how frustrating and time consuming experience for an employer can be to go through a blast of emails and resumes, short-listing candidates and interviewing a lot - just to hire one or a few. comes to the rescue offering a platform that solves the difficulties in hiring by introducing smart tools driven by AI algorithms and connects inspiring organizations with aspiring professionals without wasting any significant amount of time.

How solves the problem.

What if, as an employer, you only received a few qualifed candidates from the vast many for your advertised vacancies? That would have been ideal, right?

From posting a job, to short-listing candidates, to inviting them to face-to-face interviews - we have streamlined and automated the entire process by introducing a scientific and intuitive system, that we call - The Hiring Workflow.

The Hiring Workflow™

Post a Job

It's free, and takes only a minute.


Share the job post within your network or on social media.


Create questionnaire and set other filtering parameters.


Chat securely in real-time with the applicants to know them better.

Score and Select

Short-list the applicants through scoring.

Invite to Interview

Invite the final list of applicants in one click.

Finalize Hiring

Mark the job as closed.

No need for resumes, when you have a profile.

The heart of platform is its user profiles. These are visual, information-rich webpages for job seekers to showcase their talent, and for employers to portray their worth and quality.

The AI algorithms of our platform smartly analyze the profile information of users and do the magic of match-making accordingly. Richer a profile is, higher is the chance of getting a job or hiring the right candidate.