Muhammad Obidur Rahman
I am seeking a full-time position in a nonprofit organization where I can work for human development and practice my professional skills. I have expertise in Project Management, Operation, Public Diplomacy, Communication, MEAL, Training, Advocacy,
Non-profit Organization
Contact Info
“Darul Hasan(1st Floor),House# 44/45,Road# 7,Cosmopoliton Residential Area, Bayezid, Chattogram
Chittagong - 4000
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I am seeking a full-time position in a nonprofit organization where I can work for human development and practice my professional skills.I have 20 years of broad spectrum working experience with youth-led voluntary organizations and 10 years of professional working experience with nonprofit organizations, International organizations, universities and Donors for their Project Management, operation, Public Diplomacy, Developing MEAL, Documentation, and Communication (Both External & Internal), Partnership Building, Advocacy, Campaign, business development for their implementation of the project I have proven experience with working with Local government , Policy makers, Political leaders, Labour leaders, RMG Workers, Trade Unions and their leaders, Participation Committees (PC), CBCPC, Civil Society organizations, Emergency Response for Rohingya- Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals –FDMN, Law enforcement authorities for Countering Violence Extremism, Community engagement, Child Protection and Development, Youth and Women Empowerment, Worker's Rights, Food Security, Livelihood, Disaster Management, PLWDs Rights, Environment, Climate Change noteworthy. where I have closely worked with Women, Youth, Children, and adults for their rights, protection, participation, and development in the Community, Educational Institutes, Press Media Journalist in Media Advocacy and Communication, and GO -NGO & Disability network, Multiparty Advocacy Forum (MAF) and different stakeholders in local, national, and international levels.
Work Experience

Job Description
Worked as Regional Coordinator – Chattogram at Strengthening Political Landscape (SPL) in Bangladesh Project in Democracy International Funded by USAID and UKAID. Form 25 January 2023 to 31 July,2024. Job responsibilities: • Program planning, management, implementation, coordination, and design, and helped to ensure the attainment of annual targets. • Established public diplomacy relationship building, political strategy, and stakeholder engagement: Building relationships with diverse stakeholders. • Worked collaboratively to design methodologies that open up political space; improve inclusion; increase participation; enhance political dialogue; and build responsive political parties. • Maintained close communication and coordination with program stakeholders, MAFs, Civil Society press and media. • Prepared monthly, quarterly, and annual progress reports, and ensured that all required documentation was maintained in the Chattogram office. • Conducted financial, administrative, and logistics tasks. • Ensured that program activities were completed as per organizational plans and donor requirements, and conducted and arranged training, awareness sessions, meetings, advocacy-related seminars, and workshops. • Prepared quantitative and qualitative reports under the overall guidance of the Senior Regional Manager. • Identified potential risk factors/areas and developed appropriate risk mitigation strategies for program implementation. • Worked as part of a team and collaborated cooperatively with other team members.
Projects / Assignments
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Actively looking
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Contact Info
“Darul Hasan(1st Floor),House# 44/45,Road# 7,Cosmopoliton Residential Area, Bayezid, Chattogram
Chittagong - 4000
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Contact Info
“Darul Hasan(1st Floor),House# 44/45,Road# 7,Cosmopoliton Residential Area, Bayezid, Chattogram
Chittagong - 4000
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