
Hiring remote IT talents

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We at Eastnetic create a bridge between European IT companies and Bangladeshi specialists. EastNetic takes
care of the recruitment, administration, contracts, salary payments and similar things our client companies in
Europe, and selected candidates become members of the client company teams and work with the clients
directly every day.
Eastablished in 2019, employing 40+ specialists in Bangladesh for different European companies and
actively expanding. We focus on long-term relationships with clients and our team members, therefore we
focus on interesting projects, engineering environments according to best practices and good work-life

Organization Info

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This profile has been viewed 1588 times.

Organization Info

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This profile has been viewed 1588 times.
  1. Cover Photo

    A good cover photo can enhance the look of your organizational profile tremendously. It can be a picture of your team, or your office building, etc. Be creative and add something professional that will add value to your profile. Upload an awesome picture from your computer or capture directly using your mobile device.

  2. Logo

    It is important for organizations to have logos. Add yours here to give your profile a brand identity. Upload an awesome picture from your computer or capture directly using your mobile device.

  3. Basic Info

    Add here your organization's name, tagline, etc.

  4. Open Jobs

    This section lists the jobs you created that are currently live on the CHAKRI.app site.

  5. About

    This is the place where you may write in detail about your organization.

  6. Mission Statement

    Mission statements tell a lot about organizations. Add yours here.

  7. Expertise and Service Tags

    Add keywords that represent your organization's services and/or expertise.

  8. Professional Values

    What are the ethical and professional values of your organization? List them here.

  9. Services

    This is where you can add your service items. You can add external links and upload images and files too.

  10. Products

    This is where you can add your products. You can add external links and upload images and files too.

  11. Achievements & Awards

    Add all honors and accomplishments that your organization achieved and blow your audience away.

  12. Organization Info

    Add your basic organization information here.

  13. Websites

    Add your organization website(s) here.

  14. Social Profiles

    It is important for organizations to have social profiles. They help you engage with your customers and followers. Add them here if you have some.

  15. Locations

    Add your organization address here. You may add multiple addresses for multiple locations.

  16. Companies Who Viewed Your Profile

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  17. People Who Viewed Your Profile

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