Astha IT

Astha IT is a custom software development company that specializes in building massively scalable systems.

Organization Info


Headquarters (Dhaka, BD)

9, Shiddheswari Road
Flat # 5
Dhaka - 1217

Contact Person:

Hasnaeen Rizvi Rahman
CEO, Astha IT

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Astha IT ( is a custom software development company that specializes in building massively scalable systems.

Founded in 2008 and headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh - we help governments, large-scale enterprises and startups build successful products that users love. Our clients are spread across four continents and belong to many different industries. We have a subsidiary company in Sweden (, that acts as its EU base.

We are one of the very few companies in the country to have built a massively scalable Application Platform as a Service (aPaaS), powered by a set of distributedly running microservices on the cloud, that allows customers to develop, run, and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app.

We have received awards from the government of Bangladesh for being the top software exporting company in 2013, 2014 and 2020.

Mission Statement

Astha IT's mission has always been to promote Bangladesh globally in the tech sector by building products and services that change people’s lives positively.


Sell your products to a bigger audience using fast and modern ecommerce solutions on the web and mobile platforms. Our ecommerce service stack includes all standard functions, and a wide array of 3rd-party and backend integrations.

We help midsize and large-scale organizations digitize and automate their business functions with powerful back-office solutions such as ERP, CRM, HR, BI tools, etc.

We provide off-the-charts custom software development services in a broad range of categories – web, mobile, desktop, blockchain, AI, Big Data – you name it, we do it.

Beautiful design matters. Even if your product is technically weak, people will still want to use it if it is beautiful, relatable and easy. Our designs are just that – lickable! We provide design services for apps, websites and anything you can imagine of.

Want to build a mobile app on Android or iOS that is beautiful, modern, slick, fast and super easy to use? You have come to the right place. Native and cross-platform mobile app development services is our forte.

We build super fast, beautifully designed, websites for your business using latest technologies such as Gatsby and WordPress. Owing to the responsive nature of our websites, they are adaptive to all screen sizes and platforms. The backend CMS makes them easy to manage and extend.

Short of programmers? Need to scale and expand rapidly? Have to start immediately? Consider our engineers as yours. We provide dedicated teams of hotshot engineers, driven by a powerful blend of the latest technologies to deliver market‑suited solutions.

Confused about where to begin? Looking for specialists who will listen to your idea and advise the best possible solution? Let us help you. We provide expert guidance to modernize and evolve your organization.

Achievements & Awards

We did it again in 2020.

We are immensely happy to announce that Astha has won the prestigious BASIS Outsourcing Award in the category of Best Outsourcing Organization for the year of 2014. It is worth mentioning that we won it back in 2013 as well, proving the consistency of our performance as an organization contributing in the fields of software and ITES services. The Honorable Minister of Posts, Telecommunication and Information Technology Mr. Abdul Latif Siddique attended the ceremony as the chief guest and gave way the awards, and was accompanied by the Honorable State Minister of the same ministry, Mr. Palak. Congratulations to each and every member of the Astha family to make this outstanding accomplishment possible and inevitable. The news has been covered in local media extensively. We are elite. Period.

We are proud to announce that Astha has been selected as one of the winners of the BASIS Outsourcing Award 2013 in the category of Best Outsourcing Organization. The company will be awarded by Dr. Dipu Moni, Honorable Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, in an award giving ceremony to be held on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at Institute of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh (IDEB) Bhaban. With our hard work, vision, dedication, commitment and culture, we have proved to be one of the best software companies of the country. The news has been covered in local media extensively.

Organization Info


Headquarters (Dhaka, BD)

9, Shiddheswari Road
Flat # 5
Dhaka - 1217

Contact Person:

Hasnaeen Rizvi Rahman
CEO, Astha IT

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This profile has been viewed 2709 times.

Organization Info


Headquarters (Dhaka, BD)

9, Shiddheswari Road
Flat # 5
Dhaka - 1217

Contact Person:

Hasnaeen Rizvi Rahman
CEO, Astha IT

Companies who viewed this profile

People who viewed this profile

This profile has been viewed 2709 times.
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